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At Braxton's Academy, we take testing and accountability seriously. Our staff are trained in the latest best practices in early childhood development and education, and regularly assessed to make sure they are meeting the highest standards. We also use a wide range of tests and assessments to track the progress of each child, and use this data to inform our teaching methods. We are committed to providing the best possible education and care for your child, and are always open to feedback and suggestions.

Star Assessments

Star Assessments allows educators to share data with the school your child will be attending in kindergarten. The Star Reader is a research based program that provides teachers a projection of your child’s future reading proficiency. It also assists parents and teachers in the planning process for your child’s educational needs. 


Instructional Planning

Student Reports are generated based on each student's previous school year test results. This enables educators to differentiate instruction before the students first Star test of the current school year.

Growth Proficiency Chart

Growth Proficiency Chart are visual indicators for whether your child is at low, typical, or high educational growth

Growth prof chart.png
5 STARS "Thank you Dr. Braxton and staff for your profound elevation of my granddaughter's impact on education. Your spiritual input is impactful, your dedication to positive influence transcends their lives and so much more. Thank you for being a stellar Academy!"

Earnestine Hilton

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